My Case 4 Faith
“How A Jewish, Atheistic, Agnostic Man Came To Faith”
Welcome to my Blog site. The title, My Case 4 Faith pretty much sums up what this blog is all about. When I married my second wife we were being counseled by a minister and a Rabbi. I remember the Rabbi saying to my soon-to-be wife, “scott is the most agnostic, atheistic person I’ve ever communicated with. I remember thinking, “that’s an understatement. lol
I was so far removed from God, Jesus (Yuck, almost repulsive) religion, and anything and everything else that had to do with any of that nonsense that if someone brought it up it was almost “fighting words” to me.
So, how did I go from such an nonbeliever, Agnostic, Atheistic man, and growing up Jewish on top of all that to placing my faith in Jesus Christ? Well, that’s what this blog is all about. I’ll probably write a book about my experience in the hope that it might save a few souls. Plus this is something that I can leave behind when I leave this physical, materialistic planet. Enjoy and feel free to comment.
NOTE: I’m writing this blog in chronological order which is the antithesis of 99% of the blogs that are on the net. It will make for a better reading experience. have fun!
Welcome to my blog and thanks for taking the time to learn about my story. I thought long and hard about creating this blog and sharing my adventure. I've been thinkin a lot lately about the quote from Mark Twain. Twain said, "The two most important days in your life...
my jewish lineage
my genesis I was born in 1958 in what we called “the armpit of America,” Flint Michigan. I was born into a loving Jewish family and I was the third and last boy in the family. rumor had that my mom was pregnant with what she thought was a baby girl after I was born,...
My First Religious Memory
We were what I would call a tight-knit family when I was growing up. Unlike today where there are myriad mixed marriages which in my opinion can leave children confused from a religious perspective, there was no confusion from a religious standpoint in my home. As I...